Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CANDY- Journal Entry

Candy, Page 141-
"I Knew that Candy took drugs and I'd kinda guessed it was heroin, but I suppose I'd chosen to ignore it, as if it didn't really matter or wasn't really there..."
This is a Common Reaction when people find out something that they don't want to believe,
people sometimes act like its not really happening or it's not a big deal especially in situations involving drugs.
When someone is taking drugs they know that it's wrong and they shouldn't be doing it. For Candy this is just the case. She had a great life, wealthy family, good grades and even better looks but her looks got the best of her when she met Iggy. At first he seemed like a nice guy, but once she got to know him she realized that with him, it was all about the money and the drugs, nothing else mattered to him, including her.
Some people become infatuated with something and they will do anything to get what they want, no matter what it comes down to.
Joe has felt this way about Candy since the moment he set eyes on her, despite her career choice, her bad habits and her lack of self respect. He knows that she's not quite the influence he needs in his life but love is blind and all negative aspects are set aside. Candy is like his drug, He knows she's not good for him but that doesn't matter, he will do anything just to be with her.

Love Is A Drug

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Perils of Indifference.

1. another title for "The perils of indifference" could be why should i care?.

2. The story "The Lottery" relates to the movie "The Village". At the beginning of the movie the people all seem normal, happy and they seem to be sort of like one large family but by the end of the movie you learn that there really was no village, it was just a bunch of people who got together and decided to move out into a secluded area on the outskirts of a very large city. it took place in modern day settings yet the people of the village thought they were living some time in the early 1900's. nobody was allowed to go beyond some sort of boundaries because the creators of this so called village feared that they would find out that it was all a big scam.

3. The theme of these two peices of writing are the same. They are both that if something wrong is happening nobody will do anything about it because they dont care. But once it happens to them they wish someone would stand up for them but no one does because no one cares.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cliches- A typical arguement between mother and daughter

- well you can go right ahead and do that, we'll see how long you last.

Friday, September 10, 2010

My Ultimate Super Power

Have you ever felt so terrible that you wished you could just be someone else?
Well I can.
I've chased the mail man, I've used a litter box, I've never had to buy a Halloween costume in my life.
Ever since a was a child I've known i was different. It all started when i was about 5 years old, i was playing in our back yard and wondered what it would be like to be Cuddles, our 7 month old Germain Sheppard, what it would be like to have no problems and not a care in the world. That was when it happened, i suddenly found myself on all fours with a wet nose and soft puppy ears playing with cuddles.

Ever since that day, whenever I've wondered what it was like to be pretty, blond, skinny, famous, popular, or anything I wanted, I could experience it first hand. It's always been lots of fun. One time my mom couldn't make it to work because she had the flu so I filled in for her.
None of my friends know about this power that I possess, I'm sure that if they did they would think it was cool, on the other hand they might think I'm some kind of freak or something, So I'm just going to play it safe and keep this my little secret for now.
Maybe one day I'll be the most amazing actress in the world. People will stand in line for hours just to watch me transform myself to look like them, or maybe not.
But a girl can always dream, cant she?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The lovely bones – Book Vs. Movie

This movie is very much like the book in many ways, it includes most important plot details, yet some are in different sequence.

When Susie is murdered in the book they later talk about how when her soul was leaving earth she brushed past Ruth, but in the movie they show her running past Ruth and this scene could easily be misinterpreted for Susie escaping from Mr. Harvey, which she did not.

In the book most significant parts of the plot were more spaced out where as in the movie they were all following each other very closely.
this movie was a little disappointing, yet the book was not all that great either.
The way that the director displayed Mr. Harvey was exactly the way his character was described in the book, but his version of Lindsey Salmons character was not as detailed as well as it was in the book, he did not display her feelings about her sisters death with as much detail. Peter Jackson, the director, also left out some parts in the book to shorten the story, these parts were rather valid to the plot.

In conclusion, I would not recommend this movie or book to anyone, it was not my style. But don’t take my word for it, find out for yourself.

Rhea M.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Speak your mind...

Ann Coulter, an American conservative author, columnist and commentator, gave a speech at The University of Western Ontario while on her Canadian university tour. While doing so, she insulted a 17-year old Muslim girl by telling her to "take a camel" because she believed that while in Canada she would have freedom of speech. The university had already warned her to 'watch what she said', but Coulter ignored the advice and went on to make obscene comments regarding religion, sexuality and race.

She is now continuing her tour withe the knowledge that there will be many angry protesters at every one of her tour destinations. Her speech date at The University of Ottawa due to many protesters that were a potential threat to Coulter's safety. In Canada every individual has the right to freedom of speech, in this case is it really true? That is the real debate.

Ann Coulter is eligible for this right just as much as anyone else in Canada, and should be treated the same. yes she was warned and did over step her boundaries a bit, but haven't we all done that at one point or another?
Ann Coulter should be left alone and if people don't like her or what she has to say then they don't have to listen to her.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cliches- Love At First Sight

It was love at firts sight, he was tall dark and handsome! we were like romeo and juliet. All of my friends said that he had a face only a mother could love, but i guess love is blind. I could see him for what he truely was. But he soon decided that we were not meant to be. They say if you love something set it free but he completed me, He was the cheese to my macaroni. After i had finished crying i wiped my tears and said to my self LOVE STINKS!!!
Rhea McNicol